If you manage a Facebook Business Page, take note:
According to a statement released by Facebook, “A lot of the content people see as too promotional is posts from Pages they like, rather than ads.”
This means that Facebook is getting feedback from users saying they find Business Page posts more distracting than Facebook ads in the News Feed.
Facebook explained that their goal is to make the user experience inviting, and stated, “Now we’re bringing new volume and content controls for promotional posts, so people see more of what they want from (Business) Pages.”
Here’s what Facebook said they consider “too promotional” (meaning they will limit News Feed visibility of these post types):
Posts that solely push people to buy a product or install an app
Posts that push people to enter promotions and sweepstakes with no real context
Posts that reuse the exact same content from ads
If you’ve already put a holiday sales strategy in place that includes a lot of these posts, don’t worry. Facebook says these changes will not affect the News Feed until January 2015.
You want to make sure you use these kinds of posts sparingly anyway – remember social media is about connecting, not hard sales!
With nearly two decades in the industry, Belle Strategies Owner Rachel Creveling is a seasoned business consultant who crafts comprehensive frameworks that integrate operations, marketing, sales and HR to position her clients for optimal success. She excels at incorporating trending tech ethically and studied Strategies for Accountable AI at Wharton.